Interregional public organization
«Association of Polar Explorers»
Interregional public organization «Association of Polar Explorers» (ASPOL) was established at the All-Union Congress of Polar Explorers in 1990 to protect the interests of polar explorers, residents and indigenous peoples of the Far North.

ASPOL Objectives:
Explores the Arctic and Antarctic territories and organizes drifting ice stations for research work.
Participates in the development and implementation of legislative initiatives to support and develop polar territories.
Protects the interests of polar explorers and indigenous peoples of the Far North.
Contributes to the implementation of the Russian Federation's state policy in the Arctic and Antarctic.
The work is carried out in 10 main directions:
- Science and Technology
- Science and Higher Education
- International activity
- Ecology
- Work with veterans
- Work with youth
- Work with participants of activities in the Arctic
- Spiritual, cultural and natural heritage
- Information systems and telecommunications
- Arctic medicine
Today the Association of Polar Explorers has 22 regional branches. The total number of the organization is more than a thousand participants.
In order to develop and coordinate public activity, the Association has formed public commissions on specialized areas of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
Also on the initiative of the Association of Polar Explorers, 4 Polar Commissions for the development of the Arctic territories and interregional cooperation were established under the governments of the Russian Federation subjects.
Polar Commissions were opened in St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions and Krasnoyarsk Krai.